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Werkverzeichnis von Robert Starer

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Above, Below and Between
Album - Sammlung der Klavierstücke 1991
Anna Margarita's Will - Dramatischer Monolog 1979
Annapolis Suite 1982
Apollonia - Oper 1978
Ariel, Visions of Isaiah 1959
Ballade 1955
Choral Music - Sammlung der Chorwerke 1993
Clarinet Quintet
Colloquies 1974
Concert for two Pianos 1993
Concertino 1948
Concerto a quattro 1983
Concerto a tre 1954
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra
Concerto for Viola, Strings and Percussion 1958
Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra 1967
Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Orchestra 1947
Concerto No. 2 for Piano and Orchestra 1953
Concerto No. 3 for Piano and Orchestra 1972
Dalton Set - Suite in vier Sätzen
Dialogues 1961
Dirge 1956
Duo for Violin and Piano
Electric Church and the Walls of Jerusalem
Elegy for a Woman who Died too Young
Elegy for Strings
Evanescents 1975
Excursion for a Percussionist
Fanfare in Five
Fanfare, Pastorale and Serenade
Fantasia concertante 1959
Fantasy for Strings 1945
Fantasy on a Sephardic Melody
Festive Prelude
Five Duets for Young Pianists
Five Miniatures 1948
Five Proverbs of Love 1950
Heptahedron 1968
Holy Jungle - Ballett 1974
Hudson Valley Suite 1983
Images of Man 1973
Introduction and Hora
Joseph and his Brothers - Kantate 1966
Journals of a Songmaker 1975
Kli Zemer - Concerto for clarinet and orchestra
Kohelet 1952
Light and Shadow
Lyric Music
Mandala 1974
Mizmor L'David
Music Vibrates in the Memory
Mutabili - Variationen für Orchester 1965
My Sweet Old Etcetera
Night Thoughts
Nishmat Adam - The Soul of Man
Pantagleize - Oper nach dem gleichnamigen Stück von Michel de Ghelderode 1967
Phaedra - Ballett 1962
Piano Quartet
Prelude 1948
Prelude and Dance 1949
Prelude and Rondo Giocoso 1953
Profiles in Brass 1974
Proverbs for a Son
Psalms of Woe and Joy 1975
Remembering Felix 1987
Sabbath Eve Service 1967
Samson Agonistes - Ballett 1961
Serenade 1984
Serenade for Brass 1956
Six Preludes for Guitar 1984
Six Variations with Twelve Notes - for Young People's Concert 1967
Sonata for Cello and Piano 1951
Sonata for Two Pianos 1981
Stone Ridge Set
String Quartet No. 1 1947
String Quartet No. 2
String Quartet No. 3
Suite of Piano Duets
Symphonic Prelude 1984
Symphony No. 1 1950
Symphony No. 2 1951
Symphony No. 3 1969
The Contemporary Virtuoso - Seven studies for intermediate piano
The Dybbuk - Ballett 1960
The Fringes of a Ball
The Intruder - Oper 1956
The Lady of the House of Sleep - Ballett 1968
The Last Lover - Kammeroper 1974
The Mystic Trumpeter
The People, Yes 1976
The Rolling Earth
The Sense of Touch - Ballett 1967
The Seven Faces of a Fernando
The Story of Esther - Ballett 1960
Third Street Overture
Three Gregorian Preludes
Three Preludes
Three Quiet Interludes
To be Superior
To Think of Time
Transformations 1980
Trio 1964
Two Sacred Songs
Two Songs from "Honey and Salt" 1964
Variants 1963
Violin Concert 1979
Voices of Brooklyn 1984
Woodwind Quartet 1970
Yizkor and Anima Eterna